Validator Results

Report date: September 22 2018

Report time: 13:00:49

Severity File Description Line
Error Macintosh SITE:main.html The align attribute on the h1 element is obsolete. Use CSS instead . 25
Error Macintosh SITE:main.html The align attribute on the div element is obsolete. Use CSS instead . 34
Error Macintosh SITE:main.html The align attribute on the h1 element is obsolete. Use CSS instead . 35
Error Macintosh SITE:main.html Attribute align not allowed on element address at this point. 38
Error Macintosh SITE:main.html The align attribute on the div element is obsolete. Use CSS instead . 45
Error Macintosh SITE:main.html The align attribute on the div element is obsolete. Use CSS instead . 53
Error Macintosh SITE:main.html The align attribute on the h2 element is obsolete. Use CSS instead . 60

Error/Warning Type Count
Total errors: 7
Total warnings: 0
Total nesting errors: 0
Total messages: 0